Category: DIY

  • thanksgiving feast centerpiece idea

    Thanksgiving Day Centerpiece Idea

    happy November!! its time to start thinking about Turkey Day crafts. and i thought it would be good to start with the centerpiece for your Thanksgiving feast. remember my fall paper pumpkins and halloween paper pumpkins? well, Woman’s Day asked Read More…

  • ideas for cute gift tags

    {cute} TAGS!

    I’m a tag girl. I love tags….. for everything. Think organization, gifts, scrapbooking, gift giving….you can use tags all over the place! I am definitely a fan of Lifestyle Crafts newest line, Tag It die cuts. It comes with several Read More…

  • inspiration for decorating a craft room

    My Craft Room: Part 2 {Inspiration Board}

    as promised, here is my inspiration board for my Craft Room. {if you’re new, i moved into a house this summer with an extra bedroom that i staked claim on for my craft room…. and i’m having so much fun Read More…

  • numbered furniture

    my fab new chair {a makeover story}

    good morning! i have an adorable little blue chair to brighten your day today. this little chair wasn’t always blue. it was brown. and it cost me $3 at the thrift store. i added a fresh, new coat of spray Read More…

  • easy desk revamp

    bed posts turned desk legs

    ready or not, here comes monday! so remember about a week ago when i presented a picture of 4 black posts {scroll down to see the picture} and asked what you would do with them? well, you guys have some Read More…

  • my craft room: Part 1

    hey friends! happy wednesday to you! now that i have my very own ROOM dedicated to nothing other than the bliss of creating, i plan to make it a crafty heaven. i’m not even kidding you.  it is going to Read More…

  • my fave halloween crafts

    it’s tuesday. YAY! so i love walking around my house seeing all my halloween crafts from previous years….i’m starting to get quite a collection! and since i’m such a big dork, i thought i’d show off my faves. {this post Read More…