Category: home decor

  • No Fly Zone

    On Monday, some friends came over and we made our seasonal “door decor” for Halloween. I got the idea for this one after seeing something similiar at Michaels. But ours turned out SO much cuter! (and cheaper) We used materials I had Read More…

  • Room Redo

    Since the little man came 3 weeks early and I worked up until he came, I never got a chance to finish decorating his room. So I’ve been dying to redo do it ever since he was born (almost 10 mo ago!). I Read More…

  • Ode to Freezer Paper

    I recently discovered the wonderful world of freezer paper. And I’m hooked!! There are so many fun things you can do with it. Here’s what I’ve made with it so far: This is Little Dude’s profile. I wrote the date Read More…

  • Repurposed Home Decor

    With the hubs being a student, I have had to find ways to decorate our home on a seriously small budget. I have developed an interest in taking random objects and finding a way to decorate with them. It’s a Read More…