Category: crafts

  • dining room chair makeover

    check out my *new dining room chairs*! ok,  so they’re not really new…..we bought the table and chairs on craig’s list and did some upholstering on them. and it was surprisingly easy! i had never upholstered before, so i was Read More…

  • well, today is davis and i’s anniversary. 7 years to be exact. and instead of eating a romantic candle light dinner at a nice restaurant, we are preparing to hole up in our home and live with only candle light and Read More…

  • 2 year Blogiversary Celebration recap

    i want to thank each of you for making my 2 year Blogiversary Party so much fun! i thoroughly enjoyed it and hope you did as well. one of my favorite parts was the “Elephant Kisses” surprise game! lol maybe Read More…

  • grande finale….

    let’s just say tomorrow is going to ROCK!!!!! oh yes, you better believe my 2 year blogiversary celebration is going out with a bang!! ahhhh! i’m so excited! so be sure to stop by tomorrow and see what i’ve got Read More…

  • Craftaholics Anonymous’s 2 year Blogiversary!

    WELCOME TO MY 2 YEAR BLOGIVERSARY CELEBRATION!! welcome friends! this is the beginning of my week long partay! woot woot! this week is going to be filled with giveaways, fun posts, a contest, AND a SURPRISE….. because i like surprises!……ok, Read More…

  • my flower tutorials

    i am getting so excited about my big 2 year blogiversary celebration {which starts off with a bang on Sunday!!} so i thought it would be fun to share a quick recap of all the flower tutorials i have created Read More…

  • rosette headband

    yellow+gray rosette headband

    i am so jealous of all you mommies with little girls! we went to Davis’s boss’s daughter’s birthday party this last weekend. {did you follow that?!} so i had the opportunity to craft for a 6 yr old little girl. Read More…

  • if you were stranded on an island….

    and could take only ONE crafting tool, what would it be? i was faced with this dilemma while we were in between houses last month patiently waiting to move into our new home….ok, i exaggerated. i was allotted one BOX Read More…